Lafayette Choisser Verdict of Coroner's Jury
Mariposa Gazette
November 29, 1884
State of California
County of Mariposa
In the matter of the Inquisition upon the body of Lafayette CHOISSER.
We, the undersigned, the jurors summoned to appear before Henry
PEARD, Justice of the Peace, residing at Bear Valley, District 3, acting
as Coroner, to inquire into the cause of death of Lafayette CHOISSER,
found dead on the 18th day of November, 1884, near the trail leading
from the Benton Mills to Coulterville, and about a half a mile from the
said mills, do on our oaths find on taking testimony in sight of, and on
inspection of the body of the said deceased, that he was a native of
Illinois, and of the age of fifty.
And we do find after hearing all the testimony that could be adduced
concerning the death of said Lafayette CHOISSER, that the same was
caused by the effect of two wounds- one to the left temple, which broke
the skull or frontal bone, exhibiting a cut some one and a half inches
in length- the other, on the back part of the head, cutting through the
scalp and causing a fracture of the skull bone. And we, the said Jurors
of Inquest, do find and certify that we are unable to say how the said
wounds, the immediate cause of the death of said Lafayette CHOISSER,
were produced.
Bear Valley, signed this 21st day of November, 1884.
Thanks to Mariposa County historian
William Disbro for this obituary.